Developing popular Education Material
BAHIRKANCHALI SRISTI EDUCATIONAL SOCEITY is not just engaged in implementing target-oriented and time-bound components of specific development programs for the sake of it; it also takes care of the education and referral aspects of such works by the new generation of development workers. For this, it places due importance on right and needful documentation of its direct experiences and trials in different sectors with various programs. The popular forms of documentation, like written and printed ones (Research & Study findings, Recording of good practices as replicable models, booklets, posters, leaflets, vouchers/handouts, photo albums, and videography), have been developed and disseminated among the influenced quarters. These are the products of fieldwork and supportive/supervisory themes under the overall guidance and contribution of sector and subject experts. Some of these could be presented like this:
- Research on Vanishing Tribals
- Art and Culture
- Study on Pani Panchayata in Anandpur MI Division, Keonjhar
- Pani Panchayat & Area Water Partnership
- Safe Motherhood Advocacy: Handbook on Maternity & Child Health
- Child Rights Advocacy: Good Grooming of the Poor Children
- Safety in HIV and AIDS: Supporting the Sexual Minorities
- Geriatric Care and Responsible Civil Society